Wednesday, February 12, 2014



  1. Oh all the great times haying the fields! How I loved those times unless we were broke down which happened way too much! Dad teaching me how to run everything! Fixing things! Hauling hay when we were young the small squares! Having cows out there! Riding horses out in the fields racing!! So fun! Fourwheeling around the fields! Skidooing in the fields playing king of the tube! Fourwheeling in the mud hole in back part of the field! Seeing moose and deer and coyotes out in the field all the time! If you think about the fields that where we learned a lot of hard work but yet lots of fun times! Thanks for giving us that!

  2. Great times plowing, and harvesting the fields! driving skidder, combine, swather, bailer, rake. Coming home after working for mel and giving dad a break for a few hours. working till all hours of the night and waking up bright and early to start again. breaking down allllllll the time! thank goodness for dads patience. Playing tag on the bails. wrapping silage and dad cutting off my finger.... good times. Always lots of animals out in the fields. Going riding, building forts with tyanna and kayla. playing hide and seek in the alfalfa. Burning across the field with the fourwheeler or skidoos. Playing king of the tube and kirk hitting layne with the fourwheeler. loved it all! really miss driving tractor...

  3. Playing tag with the horses, going the back way to Albertsons. I remember when Dad built the dam out there with the skidder and we all thought it was so cool. Goose hunting with Dad in the FREEZING cold! Looking out and seeing the hay bales, beautiful! Lots of moose. Skidooing late into the night. The ponds out by the dam used to get so deep!

  4. Those pictures make me want to cry! Just beautiful. Ski-dooing and taking jumps out by the dam. Hunting geese with Arnolds and Gulbransons! Playing hide and seek in the hay, tag on the bales and the awesome snow drifts on the back road that we would snowboard and tube down. I also remember walking Leda in from the trees by the dam before she died, I remember her being so slow and tired and sick. Also remember finding quincy way back there as well. While on the death and dying theme the boneyard for all the dead calves and cows that we would just drag out there behind the skidoo. I miss hearing the coyotes out there in the fields yelping. I remember building the fences out there feeding cows, riding horses. Often times, just sitting in the summer for few minutes in the hayloft looking across the fields and to Sinkut Mountain thinking how blessed we were. I miss it!

  5. I didn't spend as much time in the fields as the girls but I remember swathing and raking a few times. I also remember hauling hay. I loved hauling square bales and putting them in the hay loft. That was good hard work. I love the smell of freshly cut hay. Nothing is better.
